웹개발/면접 후기 & 개발자 성장기

1월 공부 - 개발, 디자인, 영어 (매달 업데이트 됩니다!)

데브리 2023. 1. 26. 13:55


최신 트렌드 파악하기
전반적인 이해력 향상시키기
디자인 감각 키우기
단어 공부


- Spotify: web page에서 web player로의 전환 https://spotify.design/article/from-web-page-to-web-player-how-spotify-designed-a-new-homepage-experience

* feasibility 실현 가능성


- Next.js 모바일 퍼포먼스 https://calendar.perfplanet.com/2022/mobile-performance-of-next-js-sites/

* 3rd party analytics, observability, and clientside A/B testing scripts
Core Web Vital (CWV) scores
bullish on ~에 낙관적인


- CSS로 만들어진 스노우볼 https://codepen.io/jkantner/pen/wvXbboe


- Three.js & GSAP로 만든 on-scroll 상자 접기 https://tympanus.net/Tutorials/OnScrollFoldingCardboardBox/


- 2023 비주얼 디자인 트렌드 https://uxdesign.cc/2023-visual-design-trends-guide-82e84f09cbdf
Motion Design,
Clean Design,
Multicolor Soft Gradients,
High Contrast / Monochrome,
Dark futuristic / cosmic UI,
Real-life materials imitation,
Gigantic typography,
Sentimental Design

* glassmorphism, claymorphism, metal/chromemorphism


- 11 engaging web design trends for 2023 https://webflow.com/blog/web-design-trends-2023?utm_campaign=2023-01-25&utm_medium=email&utm_source=insider-20230125
Nostalgia and the Y2K aesthetic

* retrofuturist / retro typeface use, pixelated fonts and images, or cursors - sans serif or monospaced font

Custom typefaces
Shareable frameworks
Illustrations with dimentionality
"Just for fun" interactions
Loading animations
Premium content experiences
Lightweight, more efficient websites
More intentional use of notifications
Customizable viewing experiences


- 1000+ Free Developer Certifications https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/free-certificates/


- How to Learn to Code & Get a Developer Job in 2023 [Full Book] by Quincy Larson https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/learn-to-code-book/
"At the end of the day, learning to code is a motivational challenge - not a question of aptitude."

* sufficiently-motivated
   long, soul-searching walks

   apprehensive 두려워하는, 불안한

   mundane 평범한, (별 볼일 없는)흔한

   pensive 멍하니 생각에 잠긴, 수심에 잠긴

   mortify ~에게 굴욕감을 주다, 분하게 하다


font generator tolls - BitFontMaker, FontStruct, and Caligraphr
illustration constructor - Guuulp https://www.ls.graphics/products/guuulp


- 웹사이트 디자인 참고

1. Studio Mimi https://studio-mimi.com/

2. Terminal https://terminal27.com/

3. Sekisui House Fact book https://www.sekisuihouse.co.jp/kodate/event/day/research/

4. The Haircut https://the-haircut.webflow.io/

5. Plastic Design https://plastic.design/

6. Selected https://selectedbase.com/

7. Nam Hai https://namhai.vercel.app/

8. Cyd https://cydstumpel.nl/

9. Redis Agency https://www.redis.agency/







