읽고 배우고 생각하고/언어 공부

The Architect of ChatGPT 인터뷰 보며 하는 영어 공부

데브리 2023. 6. 21. 05:13


생각없이 보다가 여기 나오는 단어들은 좀 기억해둬야겠다는 생각이 들어서 따로 정리하며 봤어요! 
kicking off a competitive race
pull something off (힘든 것을) 해내다, 성사시키다
introspective 자기 성찰적인
hallucination 착각, 환각, truthfulness, reliability
common ground 공통점, 공통되는 기반 reach common ground
make sure that the teams are well supported to succeed
go or no-go moment
intuitive 직감, 직관적인, 이해(사용)하기 쉬운
account for 설명하다, 처리하다
prompt engineers - AI whispers
Prompt engineering 
: a concept in artificial intelligence particularly natural language process. In prompt engineering, the description of the task that the AI is supposed to accomplish is embedded in input instead of it being explicitly given. Prompt engineering typically works by converting one or more tasks to a prompt-based dataset and training a language model with what has been called "prompt-based learning" or just "prompt learning".  
출처 wikipedia
* Robocalypse
de minimis 최소한의, a de minimis level 최소 허용수준
counterweight = counterbalance 균형을 잡아주다
strike/hit/touch a nerve: to make someone feel angry, upset, embarrassed
profusion 다량, 풍성함 profusion of startups
a bit of bait  미끼, (일부러)화를 돋우다
grapple with ~을 해결하려고 노력하다. 씨름하다, (해결책을) 고심하다
audit 회계 감사 혹은 감사 
1. a complete and careful examination of the financial records of a business or person
2. a careful check or review of something
AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) 
: a type of hypothetical(가상의) intelligent agent.
advent 도래, 출현
Inside OpenAI, the Architect of ChatGPT | The Circuit


팟캐스트에서 Bloomberg로 검색하면 Emily Chang의 The Circuit 나오더라구요. 유튜브에서 영상으로 보실 수도 있고, 팟캐스트에서 같은 에피소드로 들으실 수도 있어요. 

